Unlimited Sales
12 Week Sales Training: Brilliant Basics
World Class Sales Training Masterclass for Business

12 Week Management Training Masterclass
or £1695 single payment per person
Join us for the upcoming Management Training Preview, in which you will get a quick overview of the Management Bootcamp, get a video sample of the training, and answer all of your questions. No obligation, and we guarantee you an immediate shift in your view of Management training
This course is a 12-session program designed to help managers master the fundamentals of management and leadership in today's marketplace. The course focusses upon Management basics developing productivity and competence in the whole team.
The teaching sessions typically last 90 minutes for the online course, which is a combination of pre-recorded video learning and accountability coaching.
This course is ideal for aspiring managers, current managers looking to enhance their skills, and business leaders aiming to develop strong management practices. Because the course develops a Management structure within a business, it is advisable that Senior Leaders join the course, in order that they do not inadvertently "undo" the gains made by the attendees within the business
What is Management
Management Competencies
Managing Daily Lists
Managing Weekly Lists
Managing Weekly Meetings
One-to-One Meetings
Goals and Measures (SMART goals, KPIs)
90-Day Planning
Reviews & Personal Development
Communication Skills & Tools
Building Effective Teams
Transition from Manager to Leader
You will receive a Certificate upon successful completion of the course
There are no specific prerequisites. The course is open to anyone looking to improve their management skills, whether you are a new or experienced manager.
The teaching sessions typically last 90 minutes for the online course, which is a combination of pre-recorded video learning and accountability coaching. You will need some time within the business to implement the changes. Previous students report winning back 10-20% of a working week within the 1st month: that's usually a day which gets freed up to work on further business development
Courses will run with 10-12 participants who may be members of one business, or a variety of businesses
This course is a blend of curated teaching, led by the founder Brad Sugars and accountability coaching. We find many businesses are familiar with training courses, but are not familiar with coaching. We have brought both together to maximise the long term impact on business
Jump on the "Contact Me" button and I'll offer your boss a free anonymous 360 review!
Yes they are.
If they are not, then this course will weed out the deadwood within 4 weeks, or inspire them to deliver as you expect.